I believe in God the father,
Maker of heaven and earth, And in Jesus Christ our Lord, Brought forth in virgin birth. Suffered under Pilate, Crucified upon a hill, Descended into Hades, Then risen to fulfill. Ascended into heaven To sit at God’s right hand To judge the quick and dead Arisen from this land. I believe in the Holy Ghost And in the universal church, The communion of the saints With whom we grow and search. The forgiveness of our sins, The resurrection of the dead, The everlasting life; I believe what God has said.
Faith is the confidence
That what we hope for will come true, Giving us assurances Of things we cannot view. Because of their faith The people in days of old Earned a reputation For trusting what’s foretold. By faith we understand That by a word from God alone The universe was formed Out of things that were unknown. Abel had that faith, And his offering pleased the Lord, And his example is just one Showing faith’s reward. Enoch had that faith; As a result he didn’t die; Because he pleased the Lord, He was taken up on high. Noah had that faith And chose to build an ark; He believed what God had warned And told his family to embark. Abraham had faith When God called him from his home. He obeyed and went at once; For God he chose to roam. Both Isaac and then Jacob Had faith like Abraham, Looking forward to a city Ruled by God’s only Lamb. Sarah had that faith And conceived a little boy, And from his very seed, The world encountered joy. All these people died Believing in God’s word; They didn’t see the end, But had faith in what they heard. By faith an only son Was brought for sacrifice; Abraham believed God could bring him back to life. By faith that son named Isaac Gave blessings for his sons, And Jacob passed that on To Joseph’s little ones. By faith God’s servant Joseph Believed the Israelites Would leave the land of Egypt, And indeed they all took flight. By faith the baby Moses Was hidden for three months And grew to be a prince Who saved his people more than once. By faith the Red Sea parted And God’s people saw dry ground; When Egyptians tried to follow, Every one of them was drowned. By faith the Israel nation Marched for seven days, And the walls of Jericho Fell beneath their praise. By faith the harlot, Rahab, Gave shelter to God’s spies, And she alone was saved When her city heard Death’s cries. By faith so many others Whose stories could be told Earned a reputation For being brave and bold. Yet none of them received The promise that they knew-- A promise we embrace Thanks to a faithful few. |
AuthorKathy Mansfield enjoys life in Kentucky with her husband, Rick. Read poems from her books on this site. Archives
April 2016